Friday, June 22, 2007

Christina again

I love Christina so much. I think she loves me too. Two days ago I took her outside for a walk. It took three days to get permission to do this even though the only thing wrong with her is something with her spine that makes her unable "to go" (walk or use a wheelchair). I was told it was her first time outside in her entire life except for when she was born and taken to the baby house, and a year ago when she came to the orphanage (she's five). I strolled her around and around and she loved it! After a while the sun was bothering her because she wasn't used to it being in her eyes so I took her inside again. It's hard because she's surprisingly normal-sized for a five year old. I had to carry her up two floors because there are no ramps. They've been building an elevator for a year now.
Since her spine has a problem she was kept in a high chair that leaned back. She hated it and would always grab onto the tray and swing herself up so she was almost sitting up. She never left this chair except to lay in her bed. The hair on the back of her head (that is, what hair she does have since she has to have short hair) is all rubbed off because she's always on it. She loves biting but the doctor has not okayed her to have solid food so she is fed soup by the spoonful. She gets the greatest pleasure out of dumping the bowl of soup while she's being fed. I have been helping her learn how to hold the cup by herself with the syrupy stuff they're fed after they eat their soup. Speaking of that, I have never seen the kids drink water. It's possible that they do, just not when I've been there, but... They are spooned this syrup juice that makes them constipated. Most of them are fed pills that fix it. It's like they're creating a problem and giving a solution that gives another problem and so forth. It just doesn't seem right.
The day after I took her outside I went back to her group but couldn't find her! When I asked about her they said a lot of stuff in Russian and I still had no idea where she was. Maria found her in another group but they wouldn't let Maria in. I went there the next day and she was in a crib. She's been in her crib each time I've gone in there. I think the high chair is even better than that. She has a lot of energy and when she's cooped up she has to let it out somehow. She bangs her head as hard as she can with her fists. She also wants to chew (for some reason her teeth haven't rotted yet), but she is given nothing to chew so she bites her arms until they bleed. I try so hard to get her to stop because I know they'll tie up her arms if she does it much longer, but she won't stop! She gets attention when she does it so I think she likes doing it more! Today I held her for an hour even though the caretakers tried to make me put her to bed. I gave her a plastic case to chew on and she actually chewed on that instead of her arms!! A caretaker came and took it away, though. I was VERY mad. Whenever I'd try to lay her down she would start banging her head so hard again. If I held her she would smile and laugh. They don't like her to laugh when it's naptime so I had to try to make her stop laughing. It was terrible. When I eventually put her down she cried so hard, bit her arms, banged her head etc. trying to get me to pick her back up, but I couldn't. It was heart wrenching.
I wish it was possible to adopt her. I don't know how adoption works there. I'm not sure if it's even possible. She has parents who come to see her every couple years. Her mother is supposedly very beautiful which explains why Christina is so cute. I bought her teething rings that she can chew on and will bring them to her next time. Hopefully they won't be taken away!! I want to give her crackers so badly because she has been throwing up her soup and I know she'd love to chew on something and get food at the same time! What a concept! Who would ever guess that chewing would be too much to ask? The caretakers are extra careful because they get in trouble if anything happens to the children like choking etc I believe. The doctor would have to examine Christina and okay if she can be given a cracker. I will see what I can do but I think it may be too much to ask.

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