Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Well... Hope and her friend, Maria, left OKC early Monday morning extremely well prepared and put together. I, (her mother), was amazed because she had just finished a demanding Spring semester, a double full-time Summer interim, an important piano concert from winning the OK MTNA, attended a very long play for her little sisters and a billion other things all within 48 hours of leaving. After a very eventful series of flights (don't even ask... but we won't be flying with British Airways again in the future) she arrived early Wednesday morning (instead of Tues pm) and was very well received by Mary Dudley and their wonderful Sergei (at 5am!!). I expect her to have email access so she may be able to post and add pictures during their stay in Russia. She is more than halfway to her goal of raising the funds to send one of these children to US to have the surgeries necessary to correct club feet (

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