Saturday, June 16, 2007

Stories to scare our parents ;-)

I have only had 2 bad experiences with guys. One was with a young guard at the orphanage. He adamently refused to let me through the gate to leave (Nastia and Maria were a block away and I had run back to get something). He wanted to be my boyfriend and said he loved me many times in both Russian and English. He insisted I say it to him but I refused. I kept trying to get by him and said bood-bye numerous times but he stood in the doorway and wouldn't let me through. Another guard was there and I asked for help but he just stood there smoking and watching. The young one said to me in English "It is a big city. I can take care of you." He also swanted to kiss me "face to face" he said many times. I don't know how I finally got through. I got pretty angry and mean though.

The 2nd time was coming back from a church activity. Maria and I were just outside our apartment building when a yucky-looking man walked past us then turned around. He started shouting after us (I know because I know enough Russian to understand some of what he was saying). We stayed quiet so he souldn't know we were foreign, walked faster, and kept our eyes on the ground. He started following us and talking then side-stepped us and got right up in my face. I had to stop but Maria got away. A young guy saw what was happening and started chasing the guy. The yucky man ran away and we thanked the young man in Russian, then we ran all the way to our apartment room.

We told Nastia what happened and she said she will not let us out of her sight until she personally puts us on the airplane. She said she has lived in Moscow for years and nothing like these two things have ever happened. I don't think it's because we're foreign because we fit in quite well (except we don't dress quite so scandalously) and people always think we're Russian.

Oh, and I forgot about the time Maria and I went for a walk and a guy started talking to us and following us. Nothing exciting happened, though, so there's nothing more to tell.

Don't take these too seriously and don't worry! We will be fine - there just have to be lots of adventures so we have stories to tell and amuse. And on that note, I will indulge you by telling you have I flea bites all over me. I think they are in our beds because of the animals. :-(((


M. Z. Ahern said...

Hope-- I am so glad you're blogging. It's fascinating and inspiring! I know you are making a big difference in the lives of those children. What a wonderful thing you are doing. As to not being scared over your two guy incidents, well, hmmm...that's asking a bit much of me. But it sounds like you've got the toughness that it takes. careful! Hi, Kara.
Sending love, Peggy Ahern

Unknown said...

Hope It is really inspiring and beautyfull of you to help those children!!! I wish u good luck with evrth and do as much as u can!! music for sure can make a difference in their daily boring life!!
good luck!!
and wishes from crazy US;-)
and by the way-be careful

Anonymous said...

So hopey, was the gaurd good looking? What about the other guys?